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Don't Let Your Insecurities Alter You

Today I had my first speaking engagement since moving to Florida. It was for the Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute where I would be addressing victim's advocates from all walks of life. I only had about five hours to prepare for it and I was so nervous. All of my usual insecurities came rushing to the surface.
What if I freeze up there? 
What if I forget my place?
What if they don't like what I have to say?
What if I stutter?
What if I start to cry?
What if I trip on my own feet on my way to the podium and knock it over? And then what if the podium knocks over the first row of seats and then the next row and then the next row, creating a domino effect that causes serious bodily injuries............ 

It could happen!

Needless to say, I was a little nervous.

Before I got out of my car to go into the conference, I said a little prayer, like I always do, asking God to calm my nerves and to give me wisdom. I have a little saying I like to say. It's "Not my will but Your's Lord." I say that because I like to remind myself why I started talking about my assault in the first place. I don't do to bring glory to myself. I do what I do because I feel that the Lord is calling me to do it. To help people.

And that was when a little epiphany popped into my head. Why am so nervous?!? I am about to speak to a room full of people who, just like me, do what they do because they want to help people. It wouldn't matter if I stuttered; or if I lost my place; or if I cried; although it might matter if I tripped and inadvertently caused serious bodily injury, but my point is...they wouldn't care about all of those tiny little things that I was feeling so insecure about. And then, the most amazing thing happened. God spoke to me. Well, kind of. In reality a song came on the radio but I have a feeling that it was meant just for me at just that particular moment in time. Lol!

It was Walk On The Water by Britt Nicole and I know it was just for me because the radio like never plays Britt Nicole. So that's the story I'm running with.

Anyways, The song is about our doubts and insecurities and how we can't let them stop us from stepping out and doing what we know we were meant to do...helping others and making a difference in this world. So I wanted to share it with you. Maybe it will inspire you like it inspires me.

"So step out
Even when a storm hits.
Step out
Even when you're broken.
Step out
Even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up.
Step out
When your hope is stolen.
When you can't see where you're going.
You don't have to be afraid.

So what are you waiting for?
What do you have to lose? 
Your insecurities they try to alter you.
You know you're made for more
So don't be afraid to move.
Your faith is all it takes and you can walk on the water too."

-Britt Nicole

♥ Jurney Eve


  1. Hi! I was part of the training group you spoke with today. Your story and triumphs further confirmed why I chose the field of work I am in. Your story is necessary for so many people to hear. Thank you so much for your courage. A friend of mine once shared a statement with me that I want to share with you. She said to me: " Don't waste your pain". To me that means that every trial and tribulation in my life has value either to my life or the life of another person that I may impact. Thank you for being so courageous and sharing your life with me today. It was a blessing. God bless you! Jeremiah 29:11!!

  2. I too was there at the training today. Your message fed our souls. Thank you, Jurney. God bless us, one and all.

  3. I'm SO very proud of you! It is glory to God that you are where you are and are touching lives! You're an amazing inspiration, Jurney...spreading not only your story, but also hope for the unhopeful, paths for the lost, love for the bitterness, and God for the strength!! xoxo

  4. I like that saying, "Don't waste your pain." So many people do just that...waste their pain. I'm guilty of it myself, but not anymore. Thank you for listening to me the other day and for your encouraging comments. And thank you, Southern Dreamer for your never-ending support. I love you.
