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♥ I Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself ♥

I use the hand upon my arm,
To write of your intended harm…
The hand you tied to torture me,
But see, your torture set me free….

I use the mouth upon my face,
To share your act of such disgrace…
The mouth you gagged to torture me,
But see, your torture set me free….

I use the ears upon my head,
To listen to others, feeling lost and dead…
The head you struck to torture me,
But see, your torture set me free….

I use my God , Who died for me,
He carries me when it’s hard to see….
The God I questioned when you tortured me,
But see, your torture set me free….

You intended me harm, and you could have won,
But, my life is MY journey, and I’m not yet done.

I’m sharing my story, I’m spreading THE WORD,
I’m winning the battle, in case you’ve not heard…

I’ve gone from victIM to victORY,
Because see, your torture set me free!!

 ♥ Stacie Lewis


  1. Wow! That poem sounds like it was made for you. Intended Harm...Journey...Victim to Victory. Amazing.

  2. That's because it WAS made for me. That is a Stacie Lewis original. Isn't she awesome?
